Simulation of moisture distribution in different soil textures under a point source using the moment analysis method

Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 M.Sc. Student, Department of Water Science of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Water Science of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Water Science of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

4 Ph.D. Student, Department of Water Science of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Water scarcity and the need for optimal water utilization in arid and semi-arid regions, including Iran, have encouraged water authorities and farmers to adapt modern irrigation systems likedrip irrigation, to make optimal use of water resources. The most important advantage of drip irrigation over other irrigation methods is its ability to control the amount of water applied to each plant. New irrigation methods focus on plant irrigation and not on land irrigation. In arid and semi-arid regions, a drip irrigation system is used to use water optimally and prevent wastage and evaporation. Factors such as soil texture, type of cultivated plant, amount of available water, distance of drippers and laterals, the wetted surface, and the dimensions of the moisture bulb under the soil surface are involved in the design of the drip irrigation system. Due to the variety of soil textures in the earth, the movement of water under the soil surface is different in all kinds of textures, therefore, knowing exactly how water moves in the soil and how the moisture bulb is distributed under the soil surface is of particular importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the movement of moisture bulbs, check their dimensions under the soil surface in different soil textures and flow rates, and evaluate the capability of the Moment analysis method to simulate this process under various conditions.
Materials and Methods
To simulate the moisture bulb in different soil textures, detailed information on the physical properties of the soil, including the percentage of particles that make up the soil texture, bulk and real density, porosity, and saturated hydraulic conductivity, is required. In this research, the simulation of the moisture front in different soil texture was conducted using Rosetta software, which defines 12 types of soil textures. In these tests, the source of soil power was considered as surface and point. The total feeding volume of each type of soil texture is 24 L, and this volume was used with different flow rates of two, four, six, and eight L s-1. To numerically simulate the progress of the moisture front, Hydrus software was used. Then the analytical simulation of the moisture front was done using the equations of the Moment analysis method. In this study, an ellipse was drawn to represent the moisture bulb simulated by Hydrus software at different times for the applied flow rates. Coefficient k was used to draw the ellipse, and its appropriate value was determined by minimizing the difference between the model and Hydrus results.
Results and Discussion
To calculate the moments, the first step is to obtain the values of M00 According to the applied flow rates of two, four, six, and eight L s-1 and the amount of volume intended to feed all types of soil texture, i.e., 24 L, the duration of irrigation is 12, 6, 4, and 3 hr, respectively. The comparison of moisture distribution over all periods and soil textures showed acceptable results, and the distributed subsurface moisture values were similar. In the study of clay texture, with time from the start of irrigation, the difference in the total amount of distributed moisture increased, and the reason for this result is the decrease in the permeability of the clay due to the filling of fine pores. The results indicated that σx2 values changed with the increase in irrigation duration. The highest variance was found in sandy clay with a flow rate of 8 L s-1 (1503.3 cm2), while the lowest variance was observed in clay texture with a flow rate of 4 L s-1 (368.6 cm2). By increasing the amount of applied discharge, σz2 increases and the slope of this increase is different in each soil texture, according to the characteristics of that texture. Also, the effect of irrigation duration on the value of σz2 is evident. In other words, the longer the duration of irrigation, the more the amount of variance changes.
In this research, the accuracy of the Moment analysis method in predicting moisture distribution from drip irrigation was evaluated using results from Hydrus and Moment analysis. The Hydrus results demonstrated that the moisture bulb expanded over time in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The results also indicated higher flow rates increased the horizontal expansion of the moisture bulb, while the duration of irrigation affected both horizontal and depth expansions. Using the moment analysis method, the center of mass of water distribution in the soil and the changes in the moisture front along the x and z axes were determined. By examining and comparing the dimensions of the moisture front resulting from Hydrus and ovals, it was observed that there is a suitable compatibility between the two methods. Therefore, the Moment analysis method can be relied upon to estimate the dimensions of the moisture bulb in drip irrigation. It also provides an efficient and accurate approach to reducing the time and cost of field experiments.


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